
From 9 till 2


The journey was the usual slow steady The Amazing Race style transfer from one form of transport to the other, the only thing that was missing was a unicycle and that Jet Pack from the 007 movie Thunderball. This isn't helped by the fact that I (quite purposely) live in the Middle of Nowhere (tm).

When returning to the UK we set up shop in a village called Litton Cheney (yes, actually a real place, google for it, and not some locked up half-brother of the ex-Halliburton guy that shot someone in the face). The village, and I say the word village without irony, has only about 80 living souls - the rest just shamble around in confused retirement eating meals at odd times.

Litton Cheney is borderline twee, in that everyday while walking my daughter to school, we actually go past a working water wheel, thatched roofs and a huge old house called 'The Manor'. Everyday I plonk her into a school where Year 1 consists of a total of 7 children. The school was inaugurated in 1653, but many of her textbooks have been updated since then: she still finds the occasional reference to the active hunt for Charles II, but most of those parts have been red-inked out by now. I very affectionately mock the place, but it is actually marvelous - by some quirk of fate/funding it actually has a heated swimming pool - and there can't be many schools in the UK where they put the entire school in the water each and every day. Tiny village schools like this are sadly dying out due to lack of family's with children, and you could hear the internal yelps for joy when we arrived and were seen to be of good child-rearing stock.

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