



One day in the fall of 1999, there was a Slashdot discussion about the fact that Network Solutions' dictatorial iron grip was beginning to finally be loosened, and that other registrars were now able to register domain names. Among the fun new implications of this development were the fact that a number of these new registrars, unlike Network Solutions, allowed you to have so-called profanities in domain names. Someone participating in that Slashdot thread pointed out that, as of that moment, one could still snap up a domain name starting with an impolite word and ending with Microsoft.com.

That was the only impetus that your friendly webmaster needed to rush to action. With nothing much to do at work that day (as webmaster of the now-defunct Voila.com), I rushed off and registered the domain name, along with a few other colorful ones. I also noticed that a particularly juicy anti-Apple name wasn't taken yet, and not wanting to see it get snatched up by a cluebag 12-year-old whose idea of professional graphics software is Microsoft Word Art, I registered it for the sole purpose of doing nothing with it (well, other than putting up a smart-ass intercept page). Since then, I've registered a few other domain names to point to the site.

This is my one fun website. Sure, being exploi — er, employed by the obscenely overrated AGENCY.COM in New York and working on high-visibility client sites like British Airways, Met Life, Texaco, and the like are good for one's résumé, but it threatened to sap the soul out of me (and ultimately it did, at which point a corpulent wart of a middle manager summarily fired me). Perhaps there's something about this kind of torture that makes me want to work harder on this site. I say this because I found that the site grew the most during the six months I tortured myself at my worst job ever, as webmaster of the insipid, poorly designed corporate intranet of Quick & Reilly/Fleet Securities, Inc. (a soulless Wall Street brokerage firm — or is that redundant?). At this job, I sat and browsed Slashdot and various other news and community websites for 95% of my "workday," and manually converted meaningless memos from Word document to HTML. I did this all on my "corporate standard" desktop, an utter-garbage Compaq Windows NT box that, despite being an 800-mhz Pentium III, ran slower than the G3/450 I had at home at the time. That basically constituted my job capacity as "being charged with content updates to the corporate intranet." But alas, the bills, the mortgage, and the five-digit credit card debt had to be paid, so I climbed onto that dull grey commuter bus to Manhattan every morning, half-dead, reminding myself of Aretha Franklin singing over the closing credits of Malcolm X, that someday, we'll all be free. And to get myself through those rough days, I poured even more heart and soul into the public_html directory you see spread out before you now.

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