has reviews, trailers, and discussions about RPG video games




GameBanshee is a site devoted to providing you, the viewer, with consistent information about current and soon-to-be-released role-playing games. We currently provide news, reviews, previews, and interviews for a variety of RPG titles and provide additional information for our "featured" games.

Being avid gamers ourselves, we strive to produce whatever information we feel is desirable for a particular game. For some games, an overview and screenshots will probably suffice, but with others we will go into much greater detail. Some of this data will definitely be "spoiler" information, so you may want to use caution when reading some of it to avoid ruining the fun of the game.

The games we feature are actually some of our favorites (or most anticipated), so we obtain as much content as we can ourselves while playing them. However, due to the length and size of a typical RPG, some of the game content will come from viewer submissions.

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