
Gay Mormon Fathers - Gamofites



Gamofites is an organization of gay Mormon fathers. Because in Mormonism there are so many words ending in ites - Israelites, Nephites. Lamanites, Jaredites, etc. - it seemed appropriate to shorten Gay Mormon Fathers to Ga-mo-fites.

What is the mission of Gamofites?

Gamofites are men united in the joys and challenges of being fathers, Gay, and Mormon. They are dedicated to fostering and supporting the needs and individual growth of members in an environment of confidentiality, trust, and unconditional love.

Who are Gamofites?

Some Gamofites are married and are just coming to terms with being Gay, while others have been living openly as Gay men for many years. Some Gamofites have young children and some have grandchildren. There are thousands of men who qualify as Gamofites, though very few know the organization even exists. Current membership is around 200 men living in all parts of the country. The organization has built a tremendous network of social, spiritual, and emotional support for its members.

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Washington DC
US 20009

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