
Genetics Online


Founded in 1931, the Genetics Society of America includes over 4,000 scientists and educators interested in the field of genetics. The Society promotes the communication of advances in genetics through publication of the journal GENETICS, and by sponsoring scientific meetings focused on key organisms widely used in genetic research:

The GSA supports the education of students of all ages about genetics and has distributed over 60,000 copies of its careers brochure, "Solving the Puzzle," which is now available on the Web. The Society also seeks to preserve the intellectual heritage of the field of genetics by publishing historical perspective articles in the Journal, and by producing, Conversations in Genetics, which are video interviews of notable geneticists, and are now available on DVD.

Through its participation in The Joint Steering Committee, an organization of several scientific societies that informs Congress about the importance of scientific research, the Society advocates for research funding and on scientific policy issues.




Stanford University, 1454 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto CA 94304 US

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