
E commerce Software: Sell on line: Webweavers your partner in profit


Webweavers began creating web sites in 1995, we soon realised the power of the internet, its ability to allow small businesses to stand next to there largest competitor on a even playing field. We also predicted that creating attractive colourful web sites was just half the story. If a site was to be successful it had to be found through the core search engines within the top ten - ie the first page. Therefore in recent years we have honed our skills in enabling our clients to be found on Google, Alta Vista etc. These skills have allowed Webweavers to grow into the business it is today, We enjoy an ever expanding client base that we support on a daily basis. All our clients have expanded there on line presence over the years, this we believe is because there web sites create extra revenue for there businesses. In the late 1990`s E commerce became the internet "Must Have". It was estimated an average E commerce web site then cost over £7,000 to create & publish. A rather awesome figure for new start up businesses!

Evolve has been created in the United Kingdom, they offer a wide range of E commerce software, initially to support the professional web designer. This is where we came in. We required software that we could utilise in our Ecommerce activities, these products were & still are the finest available & enabled us to create Ecommerce functionality quickly, efficiently and most importantly at an affordable price. There software developers have now created StoreFrontNOW, enabling you to create an Ecommerce shop, quickly, without having to purchase expensive software. All that is required is you go on line & follow the wizard, add your products, images, prices, etc & within 1 hour you are selling your products to the world.

Using Evolve enables you to have your own domain name, your site can be accessed through the main search engines - unlike the shops that are based within some well known shopping portals, you can update your site as you require, expand your product range - all quickly & easily & you do not need any HTML experience or programming skills.

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