

This Website was created by Spencer Dolloff and is intended as a classroom and community resource for Grandville Technology Education. I created it using SiteAid for the HTML, and PaintShop Pro for the graphics.

What is TECH ED?

Technology Education is an integrated, experience-based instructional program designed to prepare students to be knowledgeable about technology - its evolution, systems, technologies, utilization, and social and cultural significance. It results in the application of mathematics and science concepts to technological systems in areas such as, but not limited to: construction, manufacturing, communications, transportation, biotechnology, and power and energy. Students are challenged to discover, create, solve problems, and construct solutions by using a variety of tools, machines, computer systems, materials, processes and technological systems.

I teach Technology Education to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders all day long. My class is called Exploring Technology, and that's exactly what we do. For those of you wondering what Tech Ed is, read above, and let me just say that it's a dynamic, hands-on class that teaches problem-solving, communication skills, career awareness, and teamwork, along with a basic knowledge of technology. We study technology's past, present, & future.

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