
Gigantic Brand, New York - Retail Store with Film, Music, Fashion and Fine Art.


Gigantic Pictures, an active producer of feature films and documentaries. Located on Greenwich Street in New York, Gigantic Pictures has produced great films like Cosmopolitan, starring Carol Kane and Roshan Seth, The First Seven Years, starring Carol Kane and Israel Horowitz and most recently Satellite, which will be premiered to a sold out audience at the Tribeca Film Festival in March 2005.

Gigantic Music is a hot young Indy rock label and recording studio that has received acclaim from Tripwire magazine, among others, for their great selection of bands, including college radio favorite Seedy Gonzales, The Cloud Room, Human Television, Shelby, Chubby, Some Action and guitar God, Ladell McClin.

Gigantic ArtSpace also located at 59 Franklin street and has been home many great shows including artists Lee Renaldo, Vernon Reid, Carol Warner, Laura Kurgan, and Thom Klepach Gigantic ArtSpace provides a venue for the pursuit of cultural practices which fosters ideas and collaborations in multi-disciplinary contemporary art with a focus on the intersection between music, politics, pop and international cultures.

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