Global neuroscience initiative foundation.


Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation :: Open-Access Research, Patient Welfare and Education


The Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation (GNIF) serves as a vital niche in the general public, healthcare industry, and research communities. Where in the US, the federal National Institutes of Health (NIH) act as the country's primarily biomedical and behavioral research bodies and financiers, GNIF strives to fill innovative health promotion, awareness, and scientific roles on neurological and mental illnesses. Since its inception in 2003 and the unyielding commitment of a strong Board of Directors, GNIF reaches the global spectrum of afflicted individuals with various governmental, business, and nonprofit partnerships, educational projects, research studies, and health advocacy campaigns.

The paramount GNIF mission is the betterment of neurological and mental health patient welfare, education, and research. With the development of novel free and open-access Therapeutic Recreational Centers, health promotion campaigns, and other charitable activities throughout the world, this organization can aid diagnosed individuals and their advocates. By presenting free and open-access information and educational courses via a distance, GNIF aims to educate clinicians, teachers, scientists, patients, and the general public on neuroscience, medicine, psychology, biotechnology, and computer science. Moreover, GNIF supports a variety of sound research programs ranging from biomedical to spiritual studies on the nature of the mind-body connection, biopsychosocial model of health and disease, and health psychology/behavioral medicine practices.

GNIF is presently accomplishing its mission by the following principles avenues: the Knowledge Center and Brain Blogger article and news resource for lay persons; Brain Sciences & Neuropsychiatry academic and scholarly journal; Neuropsychiatry for Kids educational Flash resource for elementary students; Living with a Brain Disorder project to provide unedited insight into the mind of brain disorder patients via interviews; and Distance Education Division certificate programs in collaboration with accredited schools, colleges, and universities. For further information on specific projects, please visit the GNIF Project Directory.

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