
Grants Pants - Take off your pants - Put on Grant's - Call (818) 980-1604 or go to Grant's Pants started about two years ago by designer Grant Volz Taskerud. His clothes are rare and basically unknown, though they are worn by several Hollywood celebs and seen around the Hollywood area. His cowboy silhouette logo is very popular in the LA area. It will probably be a while before Grant's Pants are main stream due to the economy and general dip in the high end denim markets. I personally think these jeans are some of the finest denim I've worn. I've seen Grant's Pants shirts worn by many production crew members friends of mine also. That is how I originally heard about the pants. He does movie shirts for the production crew with high end cotton and original cuts and custom designs. grant's pants long sleeve shirts are amazingly soft and cool. I would buy one if they were in a store near me.


Excerpted from the website description:

High Fashion Retro Jeans and T-shirts for gals and dudes - with a western retro flair



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