
Green Horse Productions Limited Edition Collectible Art, Wildlife, Wolf and Horse Prints


The items proudly offered on our site are of the topmost caliber, creativity and artistic value to insure the highest quality. After thoroughly researching and developing a study of each art portrait or theme, a design is created and worked beautifully into a fine art piece. Carefully it is prepared for it's print edition and an appropriate paper is chosen for quality, size and weight. Supervision is maintained at the time of printing to insure accuracy of colors and integrity of the artist's intention. Our standards hold the same value for our giftware and clothing designs.

The majority of the fabulous products we offer are part of a unique plan. Located in Henderson, KY, our company was launched in 1997, supporting the premise to offer as many gifts to collectors as we could, that when purchased would help to benefit various organizations and charities. Our resulting promise is to insure that each purchase of such nature on this site includes a substantial donation to the group represented.

For those interested parties requesting information on our wholesale art print partnerships, please contact us by one of the means below.

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