


PMP Media Canada Inc is a privately-held company located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The company develops several niche consumer-based websites, the first of which is HerFabLife.com. This is a social bookmarking community aimed at the young urban trendy women who are interested in the latest fashions, the latest restaurants, bars, spas, salons, stores and upcoming events. The site is in Beta stage and was built using Drupal 5.1 open source CMS tools.


The Styles category covers Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry, Watches and Cosmetics.

In this section users can find information, ratings and discussions on restaurants and bars.

The Stores category is divided into Fashion, Books, Music/Video/DVD and others.

The Living section covers hotels, spas, salons and various other categories.

In this section users can find information, discussions and ratings on various events taking place in areas near them.



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