

The Green Revolution and High Yield Conservation Save Lives and Biodiversity - Center for Global Food Issues


This Declaration is an effort to increase awareness among the public and opinion leaders of the critical importance that high-yield farming and forestry has played and must play in conserving wildlife habitat and biodiversity.

While the Green Revolution has gained wide recognition for its humanitarian achievements, many people have overlooked the habitat conservation made possible by the very same yield increases that helped prevent starvation and malnutrition for hundreds of millions of people. The conservation challenges humanity will face during the next century are even more daunting than the past century, requiring another doubling of human land use efficiency if we are to conserve the world's remaining wild areas and biodiversity.

Land-efficient farming and forestry practices have been under assault as being environmentally "unfriendly" and detrimental to wildlife and biodiversity conservation goals. But the fact remains that without higher yields from our farming and forestry, the 21st century could witness the most extensive wildland destruction in human history due to forests being converted to farmlands and extensive logging of slow-growing native forests.

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