

HolyLand Gateway - Your gateway to the most genuine gifts, arts, crafts, items of worship and other products of the Holy Land.


Excerpted from the website:

HolyLand Gateway is a small family business with a mission. Along with genuine arts and crafts from the Holy Land and a wide range of other products, HolyLand Gateway offers its customers unique and authentic articles, stories and photographs of the Holy Land.

HolyLand Gateway guarantees that all its quality products are made or assembled by small Christian family businesses. Our customers will enjoy quality products and will help the “forgotten faithful,” Christians of the Holy Land, make a living. Moreover, HolyLand Gateway will give 10% of its annual revenue to charity and Christian educational institutions as a humble contribution for Christianity’s future in the Holy Land.

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Additional Information

Excerpted from the website:

The Owners

Christians of the Holy Land, called by many “the forgotten faithful,” is a community fading into the future. Before 1948 the Christian community counted 20% of the total population of the Holy Land, at present however, the Christian community of the Holy Land makes less than 2% of the total population and decreasing. The reasons are many: persecution, economic status, marginalization and identity assimilation are part of the agonizing list.

The Badran Brothers, native Christians of the Holy Land, have survived the hard conditions and decided to take a stand and help their community the best way they can. Their fear of a Holy Land without Christians, Churches that will soon become museums and their love to the Land upon which our Lord Jesus Christ has walked, taught, died and resurrected for our salvation, drove them to start this small family business with a mission, they called it HolyLand Gateway.

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