



In 1993, my family of 7 brothers, sisters, in-laws, and 20 grandchildren decided to get together and create a home video for our parents for Christmas. We are a very close family, who wanted to give them something different and special to show our appreciation and love for all they have given to all of us. We decided on a vacation for the two of them to Tennessee. We took the place, and started our theme. The creative minds started rolling, and before long we had a "Hee Haw" show theme started. We did jokes in a cornfield, with costumes and skits, and country music video's with our camcorder. Then we took old photo's and added Christmas and holiday music. Before long, we had a 2 hr. production with an ending in a barn telling them about the trip that was all planned out for them. This was the first and most precious of years to come. We would never be able to express the emotion of that Christmas day with our entire family crowded in one small living room. The tears of joy and touching memories are something my parents will never forget, nor any of the rest of the family. In fact, not much time will go by, without them putting that tape in the player and watching it over and over again. Since then, each year went by with new additions to the family, tributes, and friends wanting the same gift. Now, a business, but it is so much more. We know we are about to help with the joy of knowing what you will be giving to generations to come. My name is Pam. I love to plan. I love to come up with ideas and creative ways to put memories like photos into a whole new aspect. I will find joy in treating each video I do, as special as the one I first did for my parents. My husband, Russ, was the one who could make my ideas come to life. He has been working in the computer field for 26 years. He has the technical training with his BS Degree in Information Systems from University of Maryland Baltimore County. We work together , and want to give you an experience and a keepsake of a lifetime.




United States 30024

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