
iMagic Timetable - Timetable Software


iMagic has been developing software in different guises for over 15 years. The original development was for the Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro, Acorn Electron and ZX Spectrum. The move into the PC market, originally the IBM PC or compatible market, came about with the advent of MS/DOS 4 by Microsoft. This superseded the Operating Systems available on other computers.

Since those humble beginnings iMagic has developed software for multinational companies including BancTec, Barclays Bank, Telstra and IBM. Each time the software has been re branded in the respective colours of the company.

Today iMagic develops directly for and to customers using it's own brand and style. From off the shelf products to tailor made solutions that rival that of any software developer. The intention is to move toward direct selling and away from the big brand reselling that dominated in the 90s.


iMagic Pty Ltd
Australia 6163

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