information on Holland's restaurants


Welkom at IENS independent index

IENS is synonymous with independent restaurant information. The reviews written by IENS' editorial staff from hundreds of thousands individual reviews that IENS collects are the building blocks of our web site, the mobile phone application, interactive television and book series for the ten major cities of the Netherlands and the larger area of Amsterdam.

Quickly search through all restaurants in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht, Maastricht and all other major cities.

Search by cuisine, by neighborhood, by street name, and by more than 40 restaurant characteristics including what credit cards are accepted, whether there is a children menu or even if the restaurant is reachable by boat.

You don't know what to search for and need inspiration? Check out the top10 lists of high ranking restaurants regarding the food, the service or the decoration. IENS offers every user the possibility to register and save favorite restaurants and to see their reviews in an historic overview.

Additional Information

You are a restaurant owner? IENS offers you the possibility to enhance your business. Update your restaurant information online, add photo's, add a menu, have a video created to introduce your restaurant and even to accept online reservations for (a part of) the covers in your restaurant, boosting the number of guests on a weekly basis.

Do you need support for your business? We can help you with: - selected restaurant content for your online businesses, using restaurant reviews in your website, portal or mobile application delivered to you in XML or a ready to use web interface - your own personalized restaurant guide with a tailor made cover with your corporate branding, suited for any business looking for an original employee gift or give-away for (future) customers -- or even a special guide, created specifically to your needs - display or non-display advertising to the target audience and visitors of IENS, currently over half a million unique visitors per month.

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