
Dating? Seeking Singles? Imani Place is your place to meet other singles and start a quality relationship


Imani Place was developed to provide a special place for marriage-minded black singles to connect. We strive to make Imani Place DIFFERENT!! Though there are several online dating sites it is our hope to enhance your ability to develop a successful relationship by providing the tools necessary to find true compatibility, improve communications, problem-solving and the overall growth of more loving and lasting interactions.

Imani Place will not only open the world's door to your dating and matchmaking possibilities, but we hope that you will experience a higher standard of content, conduct and overall enjoyment of your online matchmaking experience.

Why the name Imani? Imani means "faith" in Swahili and it is the seventh and final day of Kwanzaa. We have faith in the solidity and strength of relationships and family and seek to contribute through this forum.

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