
INTHRIVE - High Availability Web Hosting


Inthrive is a privately held company founded in 2003 with the simple mission of providing enterprise-grade ultra reliable, fast and quality data services. Inthrive is not just looking at the bottom line. We care about our customers success and are passionate about providing quality service.

The founder and CEO of Inthrive brings over four years of experience in the web hosting industry. His technical knowledge and passion for quality service are apparent in every aspect of our company.

Our service plans are realistic and sustainable - key characteristics of a profitable company. Contrast to web hosts that lease servers from a 3rd party data center, we own the equipment our customers are placed on. All profits generated by sales are reinvested into the company, in the form of server hardware and network infrastructure, technical support and advertising. Inthrive is debt-free and focused on building a financially stable company that you can depend on. We are here for the long haul.

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Richardson TX
United States 75081



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