- New York publication, the Journal of experimental medicine


The Journal of Experimental Medicine


About the JEM

The Journal of Experimental Medicine publishes important new advances in research areas that include but are not limited to: immunology, infectious disease, inflammation, hematopoiesis, cancer, stem cells, and vascular biology. The JEM has long been known for its emphasis on physiological mechanisms and has more recently championed basic research on human subjects.

The JEM is a leading life sciences journal with an ISI impact factor of 14.588,* placing it among the top publications in two ISI categories: Immunology and Research & Experimental Medicine. The journal’s articles also have lasting impact, with a cited half-life of seven years.

With an acceptance rate below 15%, the JEM remains one of the most selective biomedical journals. Researchers who submit their work to the JEM benefit from an average time-to-first-decision of

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