

Alive and Still Beat: - - -Stephen Morse: Minor Poet from the San Francisco North Beach Beats


Poetry in process (seeking feedback) by Stephen S. Morse, one of the best known of the Oakland California "beat poets" still alive and writing poetry today.

Includes work from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and the 21st century. First published in The Saturday Review. Influences include Charles Simic, Robert Creeley, George Cuomo, John Ciardi,Thom Gunn, William Carlos Williams, William Blake, Charles Olson, Carl Jung, Shakespeare, and even a little Robert Frost of late.

Born in 1945, January to be exact, in Oakland Naval Hospital, Morse was an anomaly already. Too old to be one of the hippy boomers. Too young to chum with Ginsberg, Ferlenghetti, Hirschman, Kerouac, et al. But old enough to hang out at Coffee and Confusion in North Beach during the early 60's. and go to some of the same parties as Ginsberg and cronies in the early seventies . . .

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