
Keepers Fold UK Folk Duo Jeff Wright and Iain Glover. Traditional Folk Yorkshire. Rustic Charmer Giggleswick, Long Preston Helwith Bridge Skipton. Ribblehead. Folk Festivals


Sitting around a woodland fire, playing a 6 string cello guitar (bought for 10/- at the local YMCA and refurbished as a school woodwork project) and surrounded by a derelict farmhouse with a group of friends similarly inclined was his grounding in the broad world of Folk Music. That was at the age of 13 and his passion and loyalty for and to traditional Folk Music is still as strong 40 odd years later.

Never one to tolerate a good song sung badly, his encouragement to others, by suggestion or simply by example, has motivated many who, previously reticent, now sing out publicly and with equal enthusiasm to his own.

Belief in the saying "keep live music live!" is evident in the way Jeff sings and plays his music as well as the number of Folk Clubs he is involved with, either organizing them or steering from the wings.

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