
Last Days Ministries


So you want to know more about Last Days Ministries? You'll find most everything you're looking for—history about how LDM has become what it is today, write-ups on some of the issues that we've confronted, and even a bit of where we're headed into this new millennium.

Also, we'd like to encourage you, if you've been blessed by this ministry or have a heart for the ministries that we are involved with, take some time to see how you can contribute to Last Days Ministries or get involved as a volunteer.

We'll we've searched our closets, scoured the rafters and dug out the boxes and have managed to scrounge up some of the classic covers from the "old days" of Last Days Magazine—even a few from when it was called Last Days Newsletter. We're sure you'll enjoy these if you enjoyed receiving the newsletter at your doorstep! CLICK HERE to see some of the classic covers of Last Days Magazine!

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