
Kelli Faulkner - Psychic Medium and Remote Viewer


Psychic medium ability is natural to everyone, yet because most people don't believe they can communicate in this way, they tend to brush aside their inner voice and don't try to develop their intuition. Some begin to notice their heightened sensitivity and ability to "see" after they have near-death experiences. For Kelli though, she found her psychic medium gifts, again, after a very personal experience.

Kelli traumatically experienced the passing of her grandmother, who was her very best friend and life-long guide. Kelli's desperate yearning to be with her grandmother, sparked a deep remembrance within Kelli that reawakened her childhood psychic medium gifts. What had been shut-off for many years came back suddenly through Kelli's loving and emotional connection to her grandmother. From the very moment of her grandmother's passing, Kelli would start a life of communication with her, through visions and dreams, that continues 'til this day.

This was Kelli's near-death experience. The passing of her grandmother was so hard on Kelli that she died within herself. Never thinking she would recover, she found out through time that her grandmother's passing was as much of a blessing as it was a tragedy. Kelli went through phobias and anxiety attacks that had never affected her before. She would lie in bed at night and imagine herself feeling what it must be like to take your last breath. It got so bad she would hyperventilate often, and need the fan on at night in order to get fresh air coming into her lungs.

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KJF Consulting
Warsaw IN
United States 46580

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