
Khalsa Aid | | Recognize All of Human Race as One


Khalsa Aid is an international non-profit aid and relief organization, registered in the UK as a charity under the UK Charity Commission. Khalsa Aid's volunteers have provided relief aid to victims of humanitarian crises in Albania / Kosovo, Orissa (East India), Turkey, Gujarat (West India), Afghanistan, The Democratic Republic of Congo and recently Somalia (this is an ongoing development programme). Khalsa Aid's current project centres on providing relief assistance to victims of the devastating tsunami that occured on December 26, 2004. For further information on our projects, please feel free to contact us.

" Khalsa Aid was not set up as a result of careful planning over a period of months or years. It was formed in 1999 at the time of the Kosovo crisis and represented a very spontaneous response to that particular situation.

In 1999 the Sikh community celebrated the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the Khalsa. The distinctive image of a Sikh means that we can always recognise one another and be recognised as Sikhs by other people. Wherever we go, we cannot hide ourselves but have to stand up and be counted: to be seen to be on the side of justice, to feed the poor and most of all, to feel the pain of other people. When you know that there are struggles and difficulties in other parts of the world, maybe in the household next door to you, maybe within your own family, then either you can live and sleep peacefully or you know that you must do something about it. In the family, whether my brother or mother or my sister is suffering then I cannot be unaware of this. But if we look at the whole of humanity as a large family then we have to be aware of ways in which all other people are suffering. It was this approach which inspired young people in the Sikh community in 1999 to do something about the Kosovo crisis."

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Khalsa Aid
Victoria BC



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