
Kilcoyne Lilac Farm


Excerpted from the website:

About Us
My husband, Dennis and I, Elizabeth, started this farming venture in 1992 when we were both working full time down in Los Angeles. We put in 200 Syringa Vulgaris (Common Lilac) our first planting. We continued working our full time jobs and added more lilacs each spring. In 1997, the apparel company that I worked for moved to The City of Commerce, increasing my commute to 75 miles, one way. I was also expecting a baby that year. I knew that there wasn't much demand for Pattern Makers in the Acton area and like all new mothers, I was determined to try and stay home, raise our children and earn an income, even if that meant reinventing me. We then made the decision to aggressively pursue the flower operation we had been nurturing the past several years.
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