
King and Company - Supplier of apparel and industrial textile fabric to manufacturers and retailers


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King & Co., a division of KMD Marketing Ltd. (established in 1978), has been in business since 1993. We are a Toronto (Ontario, Canada) textile importer. Our objective is to provide the very best quality available anywhere, in quantities that make sense. You have my word, as the owner of the company, that WE WILL NOT TRY TO SELL YOU A 1000 METRE DYE LOT WHEN ALL YOU WANT IS 45 METRES!

We sell our goods in Canadian funds, FOB our Toronto area warehouse. We bring the goods into the country, pay the duties, taxes, and other costs and then re-sell them. When you buy from us, you have NO DUTIES, INTERNTIONAL FREIGHT, OR ANYTHING ELSE CONNECTED WITH IMPORTING to worry about.

Our market is Canada. While we have no objection to exporting, we find that, as the goods are already crossing salt water to get to us, it does not normally make sense to re-export them. If an opportunity arises, however, and if it makes good business sense for all concerned, we will sell internationally.

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