
Kingdom Ventures - Venture Philanthropy for Emerging Christian Ministries


At Kingdom Ventures, we invest in people with the heart, faith, and skills to build innovative ministries where God is at work. Our focus is to provide these individuals with capital, business guidance, and contacts to help build and sustain their ministry. Kingdom Ventures fully believes that our role in any ministry building process is secondary. There is no substitute for prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no substitute for listening to God's voice and being in His will. Nor is there any substitute for loving God and loving those around us. But, we recognize that just as there are many parts to the Body of Christ, likewise there are many pieces to the building of any ministry. Our focus is on the piece of financing, organizational planning, and tactical execution. We desire people to come to have saving faith in Jesus Christ. We desire for the poor to be ministered to as Jesus intended. We desire for the sick to be healed. We desire for the outcast to know the love of God. Our objective is to help build ministries that share this vision.

Financing. We provide capital to help launch ministries. We expect that our typical investment will be anywhere from $10,000 - $100,000. We also assist our ministries in raising subsequent funds to continue operating the ministry.

Operating Plan. We help our ministries develop a comprehensive operating plan. We help evaluate its key hurdles, and devise strategies to overcome these hurdles. We plan short-term and long-term goals, and work with our ministries to achieve them.

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United States 02140

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