
L.A. Croatian Biz and Culture Info and Events Center!


permeated with the spirit of the Feast of Fools" according to Shakespeare in "Twelfth Night". The Bard was inspired by the Dalmatian coast, settled by the Illyrians about 1000BC.

Mainly known for their assiduous piracy, the Illyrians were eventually conquered by the Romans in 12AD who then extended their reach throughout modern-day Croatia. The Romans made Salona (Solin) their capital. As in most Roman provinces, the bargain was simple: Rome built roads, aqueducts, amphitheatres and infrastructure; the province provided soldiers for the Roman legions. Remnants of Roman rule in Croatia include the amphitheatre in Pula, remnants of a Forum in Zadar and the street plan in Porec.

Slavs, Venetians, Hungarians

Slavs began migrating into the region in the 7th century and organised them into clans. The most powerful was the Hrvat clan, hence the Slavic name for Croatia, Hrvatska.

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