
Lake City Journal


Lake City was launched in February 20, 2004 as an experiment to see what journalism would be like if it is directed by the community it serves. It is owned and operated by Karl and Sue Burkhardt of Lake City.

It has continually evolved, adding features suggested by readers.

The Journal software was revised on October 2, 2007, giving the site a new look and many new features, including an Interactive Poll and Photo Galleries.

The new format is designed to load more quickly for the many readers who have telephone dial-up service. The site is better organized and should enable readers to move through the pages more quickly.

This new software will make posting stories and photos much quicker. Also, we can now put advertising on each page, a service that many businesses have requested.

Lake City has readers in more than 80 nations, plus military bases around the world. For residents who are on business trips, for members of the U.S. Armed Forces and former residents, the Journal is a link to home.

Most of our readers are in Columbia County, but a significant number are in other Florida communities and other states. Many readers have said they visited the Journal before they moved here. The stories, features and photographs give them a sense of the community. For people who are looking for a new home, the Journal gives them information to help with that decision.

This is a community service Web site and we will continue to find ways to speed communications and enrich the lives of people in this area.

We welcome suggestions for stories and questions for the Interactive Poll. Click on Write to the Editor at the top of the Home Page and send me a note.

Please let me know if you have suggestions, complaints or other comments. We are always happy to hear from readers and we quickly respond to readers' comments.

Karl Burkhardt, Editor and Publisher,


Web Software LLC
Kokomo Indiana
United States 46901



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