is the work of Larry Chandler, dog and wildlife artist.


Artist Larry Chandler - Paintings and Prints of Wildlife and Dogs


Excerpted from the website:

"As a portrait painter, I learned the anatomy of human eyes and how to capture the mood and expression in them. Now, I can translate that knowledge to animals, both domestic and wild, to give them more life-like qualities." - Larry Chandler
Artist Larry Chandler was born in Alabama on June 25, 1951. He became interested in art at a very early age. His dad was a talented artist and helped inspire Larry to draw well before he started grade school. Frequent hunting trips with his dad and brother growing up exposed Larry to nature and all its wonders. While out in the field, Larry learned to pay close attention to his wildlife subjects - their detail, habits and surroundings. Most of Larry's early paintings were watercolors and pastels. Later, he was introduced to oils by a neighbor who also painted. This proved to be the medium he chose for his future artwork.
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1510 Marks Dr. Hartselle
AL 35640 USA

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