
Huichol Art - Mexican Masks - Mexico - Tepehuano Yarn Paintings - Folk Art Latin America


The term yarn painting is used here to describe the technique of decorating flat surfaces with wax and yarn. Most of these same techniques are used by Huichol artisans to decorate other objects such as prayer bowls, masks, carved wooden animals and increasingly any number of objects to satisfy market demands.

Yarn paintings are created by applying wax to a prepared surface, usually plywood and then pressing the yarn into the wax. Although plywood imported from Indonesia is the material of choice, other materials such as particleboard or pine plywood are used due to lower costs. Most artists sketch their designs directly onto the wax with a metal tool before laying down the yarn. I know of at least one artist however who draws out his design directly onto the wooden tablet in pencil and then covers the drawing with wax. Wax is fairly translucent so the drawing is easily seen.

Photographing yarn paintings and duplicating the original colors in their entirety is difficult. All attempts have been made, within reason, to duplicate the original color of the artwork. However, due to the variances of film, the color complexity of the subject matter, the film processing, scanning and editing - not all of the colors seen on the Internet are going to be exactly as they are in the artwork. What I do guarantee is that every painting I sell will exceed in color and textural quality than what your monitor displays. A prospective buyer might inquire regarding the variance in color of any painting of interest.

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