
Lautenwerk and Harpsichords by Steven Sorli - Handcrafted musical beauty from an apprentice of Frank Hubbard


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An apprentice of Frank Hubbard, Steven S ørli has been making harpsichords as a full-time career since 1971. All instruments are made individually from scratch using high quality tools and materials. The construction process relies on intuition and ingenuity to ensure a serviceable and singular work of art. The sound qualities achieved by Mr. S ørli are often described as having a distinctive antique tone. Innate artistic abilities contribute to a tasteful blend of color and form that add a complimentary balance to the tonal shades. The diverse textures adorning all instruments are reminiscent of those executed by the masters of old. Mr. S ørli has been the recipient of a craftsman’s fellowship grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

At the turn of the century, construction focus was directed to the German style and the lautenwerk or lute-harpsichord. There are many spellings of this mostly gut-strung instrument including lautenwerke, lautenwerck, lautenwercke, lautenclavicymbel and theorbenfl ügel (theorbo-harpsichord). An example of the plural form is lautenwerke or lautenwerken. The challenge of designing an instrument with scant historical data was easily mastered by Mr. Sørli. The models that have emerged from his shop reveal a refreshing texture of sound, action and visual beauty.

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