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LawyerShop - Where Canadians Find Legal Services

Law services consumers across Canada are in need of legal counsel and often don't know where to start. Rather than landing on a complicated law information site where they will be confused and frustrated, a visit to this site and ask a lawyer allows them to get to the legal help they need fast. Lawyer Shop is a consumers direct route to Canadian lawyers. We have lawyers listed in almost every practice area including: criminal, personal injury, employment, immigration, divorce, and real estate law.

Today, Canadian lawyers and law offices face many challenges when it comes to their online advertising needs. First of which, is clearly defining what it is and how it should be done. There are numerous channels for lawyer marketing such as online banner advertising, directory advertising, and e-mail marketing. Given the furor surrounding unsolicited e-mail and the expense, it is far more effective to get listed on site such as which is visited by thousands of quality legal client prospects. Instead of watching this huge market of business to disappear directly to another law firm's Web site, you can be taking calls, answering questions and receiving new clients. has a 24 hours, 7 days a week connection to law consumers., we feel, has a pivotal and broad presence in this online market. We're presenting an incredible opportunity for you and your law firm to access legal services clients at the earliest stage of their inquiries. Lawershop is positioned for visibility for consumers across Canada in each Canadian province and city.

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