

LetsPlanTrips.com | Your Resource for Adventure Travel Research


Excerpted from the website:

LetsPlanTrips.com is your resource for adventure travel research. We have forums, photo galleries, articles, news, personal travel counseling services, and links to valuable resources. LetsPlanTrips.com is dedicated to helping outdoor enthusiasts plan soft adventure travel revolving around recreation in North America. We know how difficult it is to find accurate and complete information about destinations, recreational guides and outfitters, and independent travel providers. Our goal is to help you choose the vacation that’s right for you by sifting through the overload of information and providing you with expert advice. When you’re ready to try new outdoor sports, activities and destinations, we want to help you go outside your comfort zone without entering the “Yikes!” zone. As an extension of that notion, we also like to say we aim to help women — and the men who love them, when that applies — plan vacations that inspire passion for the outdoors and the sports we play in the outdoors. Everything on LetsPlanTrips.com is designed so that we are your best single resource for adventure travel research.
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