
Life Rhyme Creative Writing and Life Coaching


I am happily married to my soul mate and writing partner, and we have two amazing children. My favorite activity each day is hearing what they have to say about life!

First Love

I think I was three. It was a book, probably Cat in the Box by Dana Michel or one of the One, Two, Three with Ant and Bee books. Later on, I fell passionately in love with A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. When it comes to books, I'm a polygamist—not a serial monogamist. I believe in reading many books at once. You should see my house! Here are some of the books that have changed my life:

Next Love

I don't think I've been still more than a minute of my life (except to sleep). I love to dance. We have a room in our house that's nearly bare except for the stereo. It's where we all meet to boogie. I love lots of music but my heart belongs to The Indigo Girls (

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