
Little Miss Muffin


Ask any baker, performer, or painter what the most important factor that they deal with is, and they'll all give the same answer: the ingredients, the several separate components that, when combined together, make up the perfect finished product. To the baker, it's the flour, water, and yeast, the performer has to know his lines and deliver them just right, and the painter must use the canvas and colors to create what lives in his mind. A business is no exception; you must find the right pieces to complete the perfect puzzle. Who you work with is just as important as the work you do.

Let's try out this recipe: Take an older sister, Staci, who graduated from college with a degree in Hotel Restaurant Management, spent time around the world studying the fine art of service and cuisine, and ends up running several of Chicago's most successful restaurants. Now stir in a younger brother, Kenny, with an educated palate who was ordering escargot at age six and earned top Chef honors at the Ritz Escoffier in Paris by the time he was nineteen. Toss in a restaurateur Father whose landmark steakhouse has been a Chicago Loop staple for over thirty years. Add a healthy dash of creativity from a Mother who designs her own hand painted furniture and mix in a filmmaker brother with a sweet tooth and a knack for bizarre food creations, and you're ready to start cooking.

Staci and Kenny thought their talents would be the perfect combination to open their own restaurant. And why not? It was in their blood. From an early age the siblings had been working for their father in his restaurants. That's why it was so shocking that it was their father, Herman, who discouraged them. Instead, he suggested they go in to baking to service the booming espresso bar business hitting the Chicago market. However, the baking scene was already saturated. What they needed to do was enter the old club with a new game. And that's exactly what they did.

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