
Device for the nonlinear analysis Upgraded Biolaz-Oberon


Excerpted from the website description:

The telemetering data processing diagnostic device for the nonlinear analysis is intended for the estimation ofthe human organism status which is basedon registration of changes in human body organs

Additional Information

Diagnostic device for the nonlinear analysis. Provide noninvasive treatment. NLS-diagnostics. Registration of changes in human body organs. Non-linear diagnostic systems are medical technologies that belong to the most incredible and prospective achievements in medicine. This unique diagnostic device is based on spectrum analysis of hurricane magnetic fields of live organisms. NLS systems allow us to get the most complete possible information about the human's health and to diagnose the deseases at an early stage.

LitumXS-10A is characterized by high adaptability, since its use is not connected with radiation or high tension magnetic fields and other harmful influences. It has an advantage over such traditional methods of medical diagnostics as are ultra sound investigation, X- ray, computer tomography, thus, it can be applied to the pregnant or new - born patients.

LitumXS-10A is used for the investigation of any state of the organism. It is possible to diagnose different deseases (disseminated sclerosis, tumours, etc.) at an early stage, while any other method can detect the process in an already developed phase.

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