

It's always weird writing about myself for these type of things. I always want to blow the bio off and just write funny things that no one really understands, simply because I ask myself "do I really want people to know about me?" I guess this is another one of those times where I could write something that is meaningless and hope that you all take it extremely serious, but, I feel bad when people ask me questions like "do you really hate rap music?" or "where you really a backstreet boy?" It's not that I don't appreciate people's trust in my writing, it's more so because people do trust what I write, so I'm going to continue to write things that are true or at least what I believe are true. I'm breaking this down into different sections, and they are as follows:

My name is Luke Geraty (I prefer to leave out the capitols, so from here on out, you'll always see it as luke geraty. Since I don't have a cool rap name, this will have to do). I was born in Anchorage, AK in 1979. I absolutely love Alaska. There is really no place more beautiful on this planet. I currently live in Eau Claire, WI, home of... well, me.

I have lived in Anchorage, AK; Denver, CO; Sacramento, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Minneapolis, MN; and Maui Hawaii. Basically, I've lived all over, and have enjoyed growing up in new places.

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