
Lyme Disease Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Advocacy (Lyme Info)


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Lymeinfo was created in 1997 in order to organize tick-borne illness links on the internet. Originally titled "Cheryl's Lyme page", the website grew over the years to incorporate the increasing number of Lyme disease links on the internet. To further the goal of increasing awareness about this insidious disease, an email list was created in January 2002 to accompany the website. The following month the website adopted the name "LymeInfo" from both the email list and its title page. A new layout for the website was launched in early 2005.

Lymeinfo has several moderators who volunteer their time and energy to help others understand the devastating effects of tick-borne illnesses. Each of Lymeinfo's moderators has a special concern for patients inflicted with these diseases and therefore a special interest in promoting patient advocacy.

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