Sells & supports compliance control software.


Lyquidity Solutions - spreadsheet compliance

sample screenshot using ComplyXL to easily highlight changes to Excel spreadsheets


ComplyXL from Lyquidity is a leading specialist spreadsheet control system for the management and analysis of Excel spreadsheets by providing spreadsheet change control, tracking, plus audit and review capabilities to ensure faster financial reporting and so reduce the regulatory and compliance risks wherever spreadsheets are used. Changes are quickly and easily identified with a couple of clicks, whether formulas, macros, all the way to cell level.

ComplyXL Enterprise is a super-set of the functionality in the Desktop version that stores spreadsheet versions within a central repository. If access to the repository is not available at a point in time - for example if a workbook user is on the road - versions will be stored within the workbook and transferred to the repository when access is available once again.

Access to the repository is controlled via set roles and rights that are defined by an organization to ensure that access and updates of any spreadsheet are in line with corporate policies. Using the repository, managers are able obtain reports of spreadsheet activity on-demand. ComplyXL Enterprise provides:

           Central repository for control and collaboration
           User roles and rights specified by an administrator/manager
           Roles and rights associated with a workbook
           History of roles, rights and functions as reports

Users are assigned one or more roles and roles in turn describe a set of individual abilities such as the ability to access workbooks, update versions, delete version, rollback to a prior version. Through the combination of roles a user can have full, limited or no access to a workbook.

Workbooks are also assigned roles so that access to workbooks can vary by a user. A user may have only restricted or no access to one workbook while having full access to another. In this way, the rights available to a manager or auditor can be different from those of a spreadsheet user.

We provide reliable software at a reasonable cost and this has carried through to our Enterprise version with a typical installation costing around the $8,000 mark. Because of this, enterprise level spreadsheet control is now available to a whole range of organizations that, before, might find the typical costs prohibitive and might otherwise choose manual rather automated approaches to their compliance processes.

There is a presentation available on our web site. Click on the “Take a tour” click from our home page, or visit our website[1].

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English ComplyXL Formula Viewer now released

The Formula Viewer allows you to see any Excel formula presented in a hierarchical format that makes its structure more understandable, whether you wrote the formula or you are trying to understand one written by someone else. While the parts of a formula (functions, cell references, constants and so on) are shown on the left-hand side of the display, the corresponding values are shown on the right making it easy to see how Excel will process the formula. Values for all parts of a formula are included. It's not just cell reference values but also the result of any functions which may be used within a formula, such as SUM(), IF() or CHOOSE(). This is really helpful when tracking errors because if a part of a formula returns an error it really stands out.

You can drill into cell references (single cells or range areas) to see how contributing cells are calculated. The active worksheet and selected cell are changed as you navigate to cell references. However a history list makes it easy both to see where you've come from and to go back. With the ability to see the part of a formula causing an error and the ability to drill in, you can track the cause of each error back to its source.

The utility it designed to stay open while you use Excel and is updated automatically as you move from cell to cell or edit a formula. Because a very long formula might take a moment to display, the utility is multi-threaded to ensure that your use of Excel is not impeded.? To view a presentation please go to [2] This utility enhances ComplyXL's change control, tracking, audit and review capabilities

Latest news is that spreadsheet discovery now incoporated into ComplyXL

To download a trial version, simply register, then visit [3]


Ground Floor Office Suite, 16 Lynton Road
New Malden, Surrey KT3 5EE, United Kingdom

For Europe, please call +44 (0)20 7043 2777, USA/Canada please call 1-800 401 0289, or NY call 1-212 913 0658

Additional Information

Lyquidity Solutions is an innovative leader in the control and compliance of Excel spreadsheets and provides full change tracking, and review functionality. As an independent, privately held company with a head office in London. Founded by industry veteran of over 20 years, Bill Seddon, Lyquidity has adapted to, and worked with, leading edge technologies.

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