M1Creativity.co.uk Place for business creativity consultation

Creativity in Business, Creativity at work


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M1Creativity specializes in training, facilitation and coaching for enhanced business creativity and innovation. We help you use creativity and innovation techniques to generate new ideas and turn solutions into reality.
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Additional Information

Introduction to Creativity

Creativity is the poor relation of Innovation in business speak. You will hear the word 'innovation' mentioned much more than 'creativity' in the business environment. Creativity is a soft skill, whereas Innovation involves more tangible activities like 'project management'. But, unfortunately for businss if they are not creative they will become extinct. There will be nothing to implement.

Creativity has been a major driving force of societies throughout history and in the era of globalisation, it has been linked to the international competitiveness of businesses with its twin 'Innovation'. If an economy wants sustainable economic development it can only do this by creating and innovating new products, processes, and services.

Here is the enigma. Creativity and Innovation comes very high on the business agenda and in a recent survey, 56% of companies said that the single most important source of ideas for innovation is from within the company.* But the effort put in to nurture staff creativity is not enough. Compared to the time invested in education and training in tanglible skills, business creativity training comes way down the list.

This Introduction to Creativity starts the ball rolling by dipping a toe into this elusive skill to give you a baseline from which you can improve your natural creativity

Introduction to Creativity

Mental Athletics

Business Creativity is a core requirement for business survival. We are all naturally creative, but over time, our brains get rusty just as we can get physically unfit. Business Creativity courses are great to kick start a mental fitness programme, but need support back at the office.

The Mental Athletics Programme is a FREE interactive, proven programme which was developed over several years on a large financial company's intranet reaching 30,000 staff.

It is designed to exercise mental muscles, break down mental blocks and unlease innate idea generation at the desktop.

Mental Athletics Programme

Business Creativity is a core requirement for business survival. We are all naturally creative, but over time, our brains get rusty just as we can get physically unfit. Business Creativity courses are great to kick start a mental fitness programme, but need support back at the office. Why not use your intranet to provide the drip feed continuous workouts. M1 Creativity have designed an effective, interactive, proven programme which was developed over several years on a large financial company's intranet reaching 30,000 staff. Dubbed the 'Mental Athletics Programme' it is designed to exercise mental muscles, break down mental blocks and unlease innate idea generation at the desktop.

mental athletics programme

D and His Thinking Heads

D and his thinking heads is a parable about how the character D regained his innate creativity and once again became successful at business.

Read the entire story at: D and his thinking heads

Creativity and Innovation Tube

What better way to show the journey involve in organisational Creativity and Innovation than a classic 'tube' map, especially when its originator, Harry Beck, traced a similar path, in its creation in 1931. 'How to make a make a complex geographical network into something that people could understand easily' was the challenge that Beck faced.

Beck was not a map drawer, but drew inspiration from his discipline as an electrical draftsman. He used his skills with electrical circuit diagrams for his design, stripping the sprawling Tube network down to basics. He linked dissimilar concepts and put them together in a way that no one has done before creating a visually appealing, representational diagram. The 'tube map' does not accurately represent the geography or distances of the network, but that is less important than people's understanding of where they where and how they should get to their destinations.

Similarly the Creativity and Innovation line does not show the complexity involved, but gives the reader a high-level flavour of what is required to create and innovate. Start on the left with "why bother" and make your way around. As you pass each station a pop-up will inform you.

Beck travelled through many of the stations in his passionate quest. Like many great innovators, his idea met with initial rejection (it was 'too revolutionary'), but his passion and support from friends finally won the day.

When an initial test proved popular with the travelling public the London Underground changed its map format and it has remained essentially unchanged since. A map that conveys a clear, unchaotic perspective of a complex journey.

The Creativity and innovation Tube

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