
Make Reading First - Children's Literacy Publications


I am a reading/writing specialist at an elementary school in Hillsborough County, Florida. I have been a teacher for over 23 years with most of my experience at the elementary level. I have a B.A. degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from the University of South Florida, an M.S. in English, and an Ed. S. in Reading through Nova Southeastern University.

I have personally seen the heartbreak of a child entering school without the background knowledge and experience to learn to read. I have also been involved with those same children as older students and other students who are reading years below their grade level and struggling through each year. An unsuccessful student develops low self-esteem, which creates more problems. This pain and suffering by our nation's children is so unnecessary. I am doing everything in my power to build awareness and to educate parents about the importance of building their children's background knowledge of common, everyday things, reading to their children early in life and to give advice on the "how- to's" involved in book-sharing experiences. In addition, I am offering tips on how parents of school age children can help their children become better readers.

My dedication to children's literacy is reflected in the type of material I write for teachers in the classroom and for parents at home.

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