
Website design solutions and online marketing from MarineData Internet, Hampshire, UK


About Us

MarineData was formed in 1996 to specifically target the web-based interests of clients within the UK leisure marine industry. The venture proved successful and as the client base developed and MarineData's reputation grew, Apollo Internet Media was founded to respond to requests for website development from companies outside of the marine industry.

MarineData Internet is now established as a leading Internet design, management and programming agency on the South Coast. Services focus on the consultancy, development, and management of Internet, Intranet and Extranet applications together with all aspects of E-commerce and E-marketing. MarineData's marketing and communication experience combined with visual creative flair helps clients harness the power of the medium.

MarineData is a client-focussed, solution-oriented, technology-driven agency with experience in all aspects of Internet management and programming development. The nature of web development and database integration, and MarineData's objective to continually adopt leading edge technologies has driven the company to develop experience with a wide range of client-side and server-side programming.

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