
Maxit Publishing


What is Maxit?

The future of the publishing industry is uncertain and changing rapidly. Publishers are nervous and apprehensive about moving the industry online. However, Maxit Publishing, Inc. is blazing the trail for publishing and internet marketing. The name Maxit describes exactly what we do. By taking full advantage of what the Internet has to offer, we combine the resources of the web with traditional publishing techniques to create a powerful and revolutionary new form of marketing, called Proactive Marketing. We offer authors the maximum promotion possible through the use of the Internet.

Who We Are

Maxit Publishing is a company created by authors for authors. The Internet gold rush continues to span the globe and the publishing industry has stood as a bystander long enough. Authors lose potential readers and opportunities because they do not receive the necessary exposure and proper marketing attention. Maxit not only publishes authors’ works, but provides intensive Maxit Marketing, [a division for web site design, ebook formatting, book reviews, and a number of other options that promote the writers’ works.] Published authors are like parents with grown children. They have a better understanding of the need for promotion and the possible failures that lurk for authors in publishing. However, like nurturing parents, Maxit understands the importance of personal attention and genuine interest that promotes a writer’s works. Maxit is a diverse group of intelligent and capable people; authors, Internet experts and publishers, who are here to help authors with publishing and marketing using our combined knowledge and expertise.

What We Do

Traditional publishing companies offer passive marketing for the majority of their authors. Very little, if any, promotion and support is the norm minimum other than submitting a book to a bookseller and hoping for word of mouth. Here at Maxit we are aggressive in our Proactive Marketing and we make sure consumers know about our books and authors. By using all aspects of the Internet we create a marketing plan that maximizes advertising and promotion.

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