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This site indexes 4586 profiles, with an average overall GPA of 3.61 and an average MCAT score of 30.2. These applicants applied to an average of 15.1 schools, were invited to an average of 5.1 interviews, and received an average of 2.1 acceptances. Since the launch of this site on January 8th, 2003, there have been 697,569 visits and 2,567,935 searches performed.

The data on this site is for use solely as a tool to be supplied for the intended users of this site. No personal identifying or contact information on any contributors is stored or available. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of the data displayed on these pages or contained in these databases will be punished by castration. Play nice.

The author is a graduate of Stanford University and the Bryn Mawr College Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program. Prior to pursuing a career in medicine, he worked in several software and internet engineering jobs, including time at Microsoft and Modem Media. During the application process he worked at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Center For Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Currently, the author is a member of the Class of 2007 at The Ohio State University College of Medicine & Public Health.

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