
Climbing gear, rock climbing gear, outdoor pursuits, caving gear, Mega-Grip Homepage


MegaGrip was established in 1991 by Nadim (Big Sid) Siddiqui. I have been climbing since 1967, and before that I was a keen caver. In those days I used to tie into on with a nine foot length of hemp rope with a steel screw gate carabiner. We did not have boulder mats then, we just jumped on climbers below us! I have seen a lot changes in climbing and the gear, and feel confident that I have plenty of experience to bring decent quality outdoor gear to people at unbeatable prices. I do not compromise on quality in the gear we stock, I have been around too long for that. The prices low because I keep overheads, and profit margins down and do not advertise; word soon gets around about quality and good prices. I have done a reasonable number of new routes , traditional, mountain and sport routes in the UK, France, Corsica, Thailand. These days I do more mountain biking than climbing, because I am knackered, as well as having two young kids. I also some how manage to fit in some part time private work as a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Counsellor and Life Coach . I was the first climber to manufacture non-chalk applications (e.g. original MegaGrip liquid, Liquid Chalk) to stop hands sweating. New products are under development now. About four years ago some German climber friends of mine told me about Ocun gear. I checked out the quality and was really impressed, and we have not looked back since then. More on Ocun will be added later...

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ALL PRODUCTS can be paid for on line NOW via secure Pay Pal credit card payment. Contact us by email indicating what you are interested in and we will (details below) and we will email you a PayPal payment request, on receipt of payment, we will despatch the goods. If you are buying more than one product please email us and we can calculate the shipment cost for you and email a payment request. We do our best to keep carriage charges down.



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