

Mica Media, Your Best Choice of Quality Graphic Web Design


Mica Media is a small company that is dedicated to providing affordable websites that are 100% original. Original or enhanced graphics, original composition and writing, and creative design are our primary products. Small websites for your small business can cost thousands of dollars for some pretty mediocre content. We always aim to give you more for your dollar. We NEVER use pre-designed templates. Rather, we create an entirely new look for each client, and from that make a template for following pages. We design for all platforms and for all screen resolutions. You will see from our portfolio that 'whitespace', whatever its color, is a very important conponent of our design concept. Whitespace enhances your graphics and is soothing to the viewer. It helps keep people on your site, and assures that your products don't get lost in a jumble of distractions. We don't drive viewers from your site with annoying moving objects, flashing text, or slow loading background music. Our pages are attractive, functional, easy to navigate, and express a message clearly. We don't ask viewers to have command of a crystal ball in order to find what they are after!

If these concepts express your desires in a website, please contact us. We design with your input and feedback at every step of the process. We'd enjoy hearing about your project and helping you to achieve the result you are looking for.


Mary Wakeman
Ashford CT
US 06278

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