
Milk is Milk - The Simple Truth


The Center for Global Food Issues (CGFI) is part of a broad-based coalition which has filed state and federal complaints about false and misleading marketing practices in the dairy industry. As a result, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has announced it will be review claims being made and take action against those engaged in misleading marketing practices. Taking these concerns to the marketplace, CGFI has recently launched a grass roots campaign of concerned consumers, principally mothers, to educate food and dairy retailers (supermarket and grocery chains) regarding false and misleading label and marketing practices.

Milk and dairy products are an essential part of a healthy, well-balanced diet, particularly for children. In addition, family dairy farms are an important part of the American farm economy. Yet, certain misleading marketing practices by some in the dairy industry designed to increase sales of niche products are creating false fears and driving people away from affordable, nutritious dairy products. These marketers publicly admit to specifically targeting women and the children for whom they purchase food with their campaigns. In the process, state and federal regulations and guidelines specifically established to prevent these practices are being ignored.

These practices result in harm to family dairy farm economics; they defraud consumers; and, in some cases they promote production practices which harm the environment. CGFI and a growing coalition of concerned consumers are working with responsible retailers throughout North America to pressure those in the dairy industry engaging in false or misleading dairy marketing to stop.

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