
The Miniature Service Center Home Page!


The Miniature Service Center is owned and operated by Doug Carroccio. Doug has led a colorful life, to say the least! He was raised in an Italian Neighborhood in Chicago and ended up becoming the leader of one of the local street gangs. His pursuit of this lifestyle eventually led to his becoming president of the Illinois chapter of one of the most notorious motorcycle gangs running in the Midwest. Here's a picture from Doug's bike gang days...

Following this subculture caused Doug's life to generally deteriorate. He turned to Jesus Christ for help and freedom, and he is now Assistant Pastor at the Calvary Temple, an Assemblies of God Church in California. For more information on this congregation, you can visit their website by clicking here. Here's a picture of Doug now.

Doug was introduced to military miniatures at an early age, when he began collecting Marx toy soldier sets. His collection eventually grew to over 10,000 figures. He moved along to 54mm figures as a teenager, and after his conversion he discovered wargaming. He has had collections in many periods and scales, but 25mm is his favorite. His collection of Redoubt ACW figures has grown to almost 5,000 figures! In fact, many of the ACW "battle" photographs are from Doug's personal collection, photographed during actual events at his home.

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